On taas Halloween-aika ja lapsiperheissa odetetaan karsimattomana perjantai-illan "Karkki tai kepponen" -kiertelya. Muutaman paivan on jo televisiossa naytetty noidilla ja lepakoilla kuvitettuja saatiedotuksia ja opastettu vanhempia turvalliseen hauskanpitoon. Turvallisuus, se tuntuu olevan tassa maassa isossa roolissa, tehtiinpa mita tahansa. Ikava kylla, usein hassulta kuulostavien ohjeiden takana piilee todellinen uhka. Tyokaverit ovat kertoneet omia kokemuksiaan omenoihin piilotetuista partakoneen terista, pimeiden katujen namusedista ja muista hulluista. Uskokoon kuka tahtoo, mutta Baltimoren monilla kaduilla ei todellakaan nay lapsia kulkemassa ovelta ovelle. Columbiassa kay varmasti vilina.
Tassa kokoelma ohjeita, jotka NIH valitti lasten vanhemmille:
Choose the safest routes to walk.
* Pick places where there are sidewalks or paths separated from traffic if possible.
* Remind children to watch for cars turning or pulling out of driveways.
* Look for well lit driveways, walkways or paths to the front door.
Do a costume check.
* Can the children walk easily in the outfit? Make sure the masks or head gear allow the children to see clearly what is around them.
* Be sure they can safely negotiate steps on dimly lit walkways.
When taking a group of kids trick or treating:
* Have a good ratio of parents/adults to children. For young children, consider
1 adult for every 3 children.
* Arrange the adults so that there is an adult in the front and one in the back. This is to prevent children from getting ahead or lagging behind the group.
Food safety
* Remind children not to snack while trick-or-treating.
* To further ensure compliance, parents should prepare an early meal for their kids so they aren't hungry when they receive candy.
* Tell them not to accept anything that isn't commercially wrapped.
* Parents should discard home-made candy or baked goods that aren't from friends or relatives.
* Inspect candy for any sign of tampering, including tears, discoloration, or tiny pinholes.
Happy Halloween!
The Lancet’s obesity recommendations: conflicted interests?
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